Upon The Rock - Apsaalooke Scoute Curley

Pure West Art & Artifact Auction
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Ben Pease B. 1989

Upon The Rock - Apsaalooke Scoute Curley

48x36” acrylic, India ink, oil marker on canvas

Estimate - $5,500 - $6,500

Ben Pease/Ashdúuptàako Ishtaxíialúuchish (Steals The Guns From Two Enemy Camps) was born in Missoula, Montana. Paternally, Pease is enrolled with the Northern Cheyenne Tribe. He is a member of the Crow Indian Reservation's Valley of the Chiefs District and grew up in Lodge Grass, MT. He belongs to the Newly Made Lodge Clan and is a child of Newly Made Lodge. Pease is also a Night Hawks Dance Society member, Sweat-Lodge ceremony owner, holder of ancestral medicine paint, sponsor of Sundance, Sundancer, and War-Dancer, and has led the Dance of Seasons three times.
Pease has exhibited his work worldwide in Germany, Brazil, Italy, Canada, and the United Arab Emirates. In addition, his work has been widely recognized in various magazines, books, online publications, social media platforms, and news affiliates.

In 2022 Pease was awarded the Executive Editor's Choice Award from the Western Art Collector magazine in conjunction with the C.M. Russell Museum.

In March of 2023, the New York Historical Society Museum opened the major exhibition Nature, Crisis, Consequence featuring a masterwork from Pease alongside a seminal work from Albert Bierstadt. The Pease studio is downtown in Billings, MT, and is open by appointment only. 

Ben and his family reside in Billings, MT.