Allen Sapp personal memorabilia items

Pure West Autumn Sale
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A very special collection of Allen Sapp personal memorabilia items. This lot includes some of Allen Sapp's personal items.

1) The Art of Allen Sapp, 1977 edition.

This well loved, signed book copy was Sapp's personal edition. As noted on the front page in the words of his daughter, Faye, he used to truly enjoy looking through it very often. Some pages are loose, some have paint stains and some pages are missing.

2) Personal wallet.

Sapp was a very accomplished beading artist as well as a painter. He beaded all of his regalia outfit. This beaded by Allen wallet was his personal one. One side is represented with a First Nation man and the other side with two good luck hearts. Some beads are missing on the heart side.

3) A collection of personal photos of the artist.

4) A Canada House show card invitation.

5) A signed by artist card.


This collection was acquired from Allen Sapp family.

Letter from daughter Faye. Notary signed book.